M... is for My Soul Mate.
Y... is for Young at Heart - his young spirit keeps me feeling young too.
H... is for Hilarious - he always knows how to make me laugh!
U... is for Understanding - he understands me when no one else does.
S... is for Sweet - he suprises me with flowers or a card occassionally that make my day!
B... is for Beautiful, Wonderful, Child of God.
A... is for Alto - that's spanish for "tall" and he is so sweet to reach the stuff on the top shelf for me when I am too short to reach it.
N... is for Night in Shining Armour - he was, and is, and always will be!
D... is for Dishwasher - he loves me so much that he does all my dishes when I cook... even when I make more dishes than really necessary.
R... is for Real - he is very logical and down to earth in this thinking and I love that about him.
O... is for Outgoing - he is very friendly and outgoing - everywhere we go, he runs into someone he knows.
C... is for Committed - he gives 110% of himself all the time, in every situation.
K... is for Kind - he is always looking for ways to help others.
S... is for Sincere - he always puts his heart into every little thing he does.
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